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The Key to Surviving this Pandemic

Self-care is critical right now, especially if you are a mom.  You want to make the “right” decisions for your children, for yourself, and for your family but you don’t know what “right” is any more. 

A lot of your day is spent putting out fires—juggling work and virtual or homeschool with your kids.  You are overwhelmed, frustrated, and plain exhausted! You just want to run away from it all. 

If this sounds like your life, you are not alone. There are so many moms feeling the exact same way at this very moment. So, what do you do? How do you make things better?


I know self- care is a word thrown around so loosely nowadays. It is hard to know what it even means.  Self-care is taking time out from everyone and everything else to re-energize and rejuvenate yourself.

Now, I am sure you are thinking “when do I have time to do that?” But self-care is not about the quantity of time, it is about the quality of time.  It can be as little as five minutes or as long as 24 hours. 

Here are examples of self-care activities:


Find self-care journals on Etsy. For new moms, check out my 90 Day Journal for Mom.

Take a bath.

              Here are some care packages from Lush to help you relax. 

Read a book or magazine.

              Here are top self-help books from Woman’s Day.

Listen to a podcast.

Find self-care podcasts like You Time and Put Yourself First on Spotify

Listen to a sermon.

Find online sermons here at Transformation Church.

Listen to music.

              Check out Oprah’s Calm-Down Playlist: Songs to Help Mellow You Out.

Some other great self-care activities include prayer, meditation, yoga, dancing, taking a walk (alone), connecting with a friend, or simply taking five minutes for yourself in the bathroom.

Times can be stressful right now and I implore moms to engage in some form of daily self-care.

If you are not well, no one else will be either!