Reflections of 2020


We are eight days into a new year and even though the year has changed, not much else has changed about the world we live in. However, when the new year rolls in, there is always a renewed sense of another chance to get things “right.” 

Before we can look ahead, we need to take a few minutes and look at the previous year. 

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” — Oprah Winfrey

As a woman and a mom, what are some things you were happy about in 2020? 

What did you struggle with? 

How will you do things differently in this new year?

For me, 2020 was what I call a year of pause and reflection. 

The pandemic allowed me to become still in a way that I had not done before.  My soul yearned for it but the constant need to do this and do that never allowed much room for stillness. No, let me correct myself, I did not allow much time for stillness. 

As a mother, I desired to spend more quality time with my children.  Of course, I spent time with them, but I wanted it to be meaningful, fully present time.  The pandemic allowed me to do that and gave rise to a deeper relationship with my family as a whole. 

2020 afforded me the opportunity to get crystal clear on my purpose and how I need to bring that into my business.  It showed me that I was busy striving, trying to make things happen and it was not only stressing me but did not allow me to be the best mom and wife that I could be. 

To be fair, 2020 also tested my patience and stretched me more than I wanted it to.  It was challenging managing virtual school and running a business with little to no time for planning.

2020 had highs and lows.  The pandemic of 2020 afforded me the opportunity to examine myself and to see how I was showing up for myself, my family, and my business.  As we move farther into 2021, I can take the self-examination and lessons learned and apply them so all is not lost.

What lessons did you learn in 2020? 

How will you use those lessons in 2021?