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Why Parenthood May Not Be for Every Woman

For some women, becoming a parent has always been an aspiration. But what if it has not been for you? 

Societal norms often still tell us that starting a family is the greatest accomplishment there is in life. But what if that is not how you choose to measure your success? 

Whether you are married, in a long-term committed relationship, or otherwise it is likely that you have gotten the question “when do you plan on having kids?” Family, friends, maybe even co-workers but the question almost inevitably comes up. This is a difficult question, and highly personal. 

The pressure intensifies the older a woman gets. Even in an increasingly modern world, the stigma of choosing a career or children exists. The stigma is even greater if you decide to not have kids simply because you feel it is not the lifestyle you want for yourself. 

Young or old, professional or creative, wherever you are in your life: it is okay if you have not decided that you want kids. More so, it is okay if you have decided that you do not want kids. 

If you have not decided, take your time. It is a big decision! Arguably, the biggest. 

If you have decided, be confident in your choice. It is bold! It is a part of your journey and identity. Embrace it and share your experience with other women who may be going through the struggle of making their own decision.