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Debunking Perfectionism in Motherhood

There is this notion or belief that motherhood works or looks a certain way.  You’ve heard the conversations, something must be wrong with her, her child is misbehaving or she looks a mess, she needs to take better care of herself.  The craziest part about these conversations is that they usually come from other moms.  With these kinds of discussions, it’s no wonder that moms believe they have to have it all together.  Let’s not even talk about all the cute IG and FB posts of moms and their families.  It would lead moms to believe that you can have it all and look cute doing it.

Unfortunately, that’s not the reality.  Don’t get me wrong those moments of time do exist but what most moms will tell you is that it’s hard and sometimes downright exhausting.

 The truth is motherhood has its share of challenges but more of it comes from these unrealistic views that moms hold about what motherhood should look like. 

It’s these beliefs that keep moms secretly suffering in silence when their experiencing postpartum depression, anxiety, or even when their experiencing mental duress because their teenager is out of control and they’ve tried everything to no avail.  Let’s be more candid about this motherhood role and debunk some myths:

o   It’s easy! 

o   Your mom didn’t ever get tired, depressed, or exhausted, so something must be wrong with you!

o   You should always have it together.

o   You will always want to spend time your kids.

o   Your body will snap back after delivery (may happen in rare cases)!

o   Your kids will always behave appropriately, because you’re the world’s greatest disciplinarian.

o   You can have it all at the same time!

The truth is motherhood is different for every mom but the reality is, it has its share of both highs and lows.  Let’s start becoming more open and honest about this motherhood journey, so moms don’t feel the need to suffer in silence.