Donor Eggs...Another Option

Do you want to experience pregnancy but have had difficulty conceiving or been told that your egg quality is no good?  There are options, one you may not have considered or heard of is the use of donor eggs.  Donor eggs are eggs that come from another woman.  Donor eggs could come from a family member, friend, or an egg donation bank.  While the mother would not necessarily have a genetic connection, the spouse or significant other would.  Of course, prior to the process beginning, a couple would have to meet with a counselor and discuss the psychological risks and benefits.

Many couples have undergone this process but neither the mother nor father are comfortable disclosing this information so this may be a lonely process for a woman or her spouse.  The isolation and “secrecy” could lead to anxiety and or/depression.  It is imperative that a couple discuss how they will handle this information from the outset, throughout the process, and once the child is born.  Interestingly, 12% of all IVF cycles involve donor eggs and IVF donor eggs have the highest success rate of any fertility treatment.

If your looking for alternatives to conceiving with your eggs, donor eggs may be a suitable option.  To find out more details about the process, read more here  If you want to gain information from a personal perspective, click here:

Richelle Whittaker